GFRS wbafadmin March 1, 2024


World Business Angels Investment Forum
An Affiliated Partner of the G20 Global Partnership for FinancialInclusion (GPFI)

The GFRS aims to create a high-quality portfolio with some of the world’s most promising startups and scaleups and, at the same time, create opportunities for co-investment and follow-on investments. The GFRS also connects top startups with the best angel investors, making it possible for the startups to benefit not only from the investment but also from the know-how, mentorship and networks of qualified investors. The GFRS is designed to capitalise on the worldwide growth in entrepreneurial activity and venture financing for startups and scaleups and to benefit from WBAF’s extensive network of global investors. Among these are angel investors, private equity funds, co-investment platforms, wealth management institutions, family offices, VCs, and acceleration centres.

The WBAF Angel Investment Fund backs the Global Fundraising Stage, with the objective of investing in leading startups at
various stages, thereby establishing a diverse portfolio of entrepreneurial ventures.

Apply for Upcoming Global Fundraising Stages

GFRS London Stock Exchange I 7 May 2024
WBAF Financial Inclusion Conference
GFRS Fours Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay I 20 November 2024
World Congress of Angel Investors WBAF 2024